Providing support services to Ecology, Photography,IT and Property Rental

Ecology SupportHelp with bat emergence surveys or intial site surveys
I also give general assistance with GCN or reptile surveys
Photography SupportI give talks to local camera clubs (Stoke on Trent)
Topics include Astronomy , Aircraft and Wildlife
Photography SupportI judge local camera club photo competitions
I don't belong to a club so am totally independant
IT SupportI have over 20 years experience in the IT industry
I have worked from Tech Support to IT management
Property Rental SupportAll 4 properties are full at the moment

Based in Stoke on Trent, North Staffordshire, I hold a Bat Survey Class 2 license and have both IR and Thermal cameras

To Contact Me - Click Here

You can find information about Staffordshire Bat Group here - Staffordshire Bat Group

If you are looking for local (North Staffordshire, UK) ecology services (bat surveys etc) try - Fauna Forest Ecology

If you are looking for local (South Staffordshire, UK) ecology services (bat surveys etc) try - Chris Smith Ecology

Some of my photography can be found here - My Flickr Pages